User interface

FPlane retrieval

To retrieve the current fplane file call:

this retrieves the actual fplane file and saves it as fplaneYYYMMDD.txt

To retrieve it and write to a different filename e.g. fplane.txt call: -o fplane.txt

To retrieve the fplane file for a different date e.g. 20180715 call: 20180715

this retrieves the actual fplane file and saves it as fplane20180715.txt The server also accepts other date formats including YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS so you can directly use the DATE-OBS from a fits header. In this case the default filename is fplaneYYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS.txt

By default the script retrieves an fplane file like the one stored in virus_config. If you want just a short version (only active virus units, no LRS, no HRS) call: -s

To retrieve (of available) exact IFU positions call: -p

Access from python

This code snippet will retrieve an fplane file and writes it to filename.

datestr can be a fits datestr, something of the form YYYYMMDD (or some other formats). If you give it in the form YYYYMMDD it will retrieve the fplane file for midnight of night starting on datestr. If you leave the datestr empty, it will retrieve it for the “now” timestamp.

With actpos=True it retrieves the latest set of exact ifu positions for that date (These are usually valid since the last IFU updates).

full=True retrieves a complete fplane file with all entries and the not used commented out, with full=False, it retrieves a file with only the lines for the active VIRUS IFUs (No commented IFUS, no LRS, no HRS, no HPF).

The code as is should work with Python2 and 3.

    # Python 3
    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from urllib.error import HTTPError
except ImportError:
    # Python 2
    from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError

def get_fplane(filename, datestr='', actpos=False, full=True):

    url = '' + datestr

    if actpos:
        url += '?actual_pos=1'
        url += '?actual_pos=0'

    if full:
        url += '&full_fplane=1'
        url += '&full_fplane=0'

        resp = urlopen(url)
    except HTTPError as e:
        raise Exception(' Failed to retrieve fplane file, server '
                        'responded with %d %s' % (e.getcode(), e.reason))

    with open(filename, 'w') as f:

FPlane update

To update the fplane data in the database a script is supplied that should be run on a daily basis as a cron job at HET, updating the database from the TCS information